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Be a liar mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Be a liarはどのような性格タイプですか? Be a liarは、 in MBTI、5w6 - - in Enneagram、 in Big 5、 in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

"The truth? What truth? The truth is whatever I make it." - Sentinel Prime, Transformers One "People love what I have to say! They believe in it! What's the truth? Whatever we tell them it is." - Stormfront, The Boys Manipulation, propaganda, revisionism, agenda fabrication, relativism, ideology, corruption, distortion, unethical, rhetorical, authoritarian. In research psychology, the problem of evil is studied in personality studies in the form of aggression, antisocial, guilt (lack of), violence, empathy (lack of), narcissism, Dark Triad, Dark Tetrad, manipulation, ******, Machiavellianism, crime, psychopathy, psychoticism and cruelty as concepts. Personality science uses these terms over term "evil" itself because the latter carries a moral and subjective judgment in the English language. They use the former terms because they have questionnaires and inventories where they can categorically measure the former in order to explain what people define as the all-encompassing latter. They are still intentionally studying the problem of evil, a problem of humanity that remains to be solved psychologically, scientifically and philosophically. Aggression, manipulation, antisociality, lack of empathy, cruelty, and violence— these concepts are "evil" in everyday language— and they are studied scientifically in personality studies. Evil is therefore pertinent to personality, not just to crime, forensics, genocide and authority studies. Personality studies seek to measure these in people through questionnaires that are self and other reported, and then these outcomes are linked to other outcomes. This helps scientists understand how and why people do this, what they derive from it, and what part of human biology and the surroundings make the human being do them. When the findings are compiled and presented, someone else continues the work or repeats the same work to see if they get the same. The more that happens, the stronger is that observation and the more it becomes a fact. By that time, a writer simplifies it so that everyone else can understand it without getting lost and over time it becomes part of the common collected beliefs if the dominant culture is facts-based.

