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Struggle to Make Friends mbtiパーソナリティタイプ

Struggle to Make Friends mbtiパーソナリティタイプ image


"Struggle to Make Friendsはどのような性格タイプですか? Struggle to Make Friendsは、INFP in MBTI、4w5 - sp/sx - 469 in Enneagram、RLUAI in Big 5、IEI in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

people say im a weird person so they exclude me everytime:(i was too alone and i was crying since my childhood. "why people dont accept me? why am i weird?..." i got bullied, my 'best friends' humilated me and tried to change myself. i hated myself and tried to change..but i didnt want to (actually i cant ) change my 'strange' behaviours (idk what are they so i cant if i try to) . loneliness was too hard on me and i hated myself for a long time. one day i fought with my bullies and my bffs defended me them🤧they said " this is because of you are weird, you are disgracing us everytime! you should be thankful us for accepting you! noone will love you otherways!" but i was done with that. i wanted a real friendship, not a compulsory one. i didnt want to make people accept me for not to be alone anymore. i quitted this friendship and i decided to be alone until the a friend who accepts me for the way i am. no make roles, no bearing, no fake smiles. im done with this. i was alone for a long time. i was really sad because i couldnt speak to anyone...these bad people who bullied me had lots of friends but i had none.. it was unfair bc they are really bad people and lots of people love them. but i treat them kind and i dont harm anyone despite them🤧..i still cant understand how the things work. i accepted the defeat and preferred to be alone."people always hate the different ones", anyway.

