Ed mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Edはどのような性格タイプですか? Edは、ENFP in MBTI、7w6 - - 794 in Enneagram、SLUAI in Big 5、SEI in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

I don't understand where Alpha SF comes from in socio. I think he's a pretty clear cut IEE, albeit a dumb one. In no system is Ed not an intuitive type. Also RLUAN is a straight up baffling take to me. Are you typing him N > I because he's dumb?? Inquisitive types simply prefer novelty in their interests and imaginative/intellectual pursuits, this fits Ed perfectly. - All of Ed's interests revolve around his many novel pastimes such as reading/watching fantastical comic books and movies, which he has tried to actively bring out into reality on several occasions. Even with his various nonsensical quips and misinterpretations of orders from Eddy, he is shown to take seemingly impractical ideas and novel connections and attempt to turn them into something real or follow them as his own interpretation of any given situation, much to the chagrin of Eddy. (Ne) - Ed is shown to genuinely misinterpret his own wild fantasy as reality probably more than any other character on the show (debatably even Jonny), he is not a very down to earth individual at all. He also has a chill optimism to him where he's able to turn any situation into something new and exciting, and especially in earlier seasons tries to cheer his friends up after a failure, or get them out of bad situations to the best of his ability by offering them new (albeit often extremely unrealistic) ideas that he thinks would be cool (The Curse of evil Tim is a great example of this). (Ne) - Ed is very passive and friendly and tries his best to remain on good terms with all of the other kids (save for the Kankers), even helping kids like Rolf and Jonny who usually disagree with the Eds with various tasks just out of his own good will. His lack of popularity and appreciation among the other kids is, similar to Double D, more so because of his loyalty towards Eddy. (Although with Ed his stupidity doesn't help, despite it rarely ever being mean spirited). (Fi) - Ed is shown to greatly value his close relations and loyalty towards his friends and towards doing the right thing, even giving up his own happiness, group inclusion, and personal desires on several occasions to be a good friend/big brother to those he cares about, even when it isn't necessarily reciprocated. (Fi)

