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  3. Why Women Kill

Bertram Fillcot mbtiパーソナリティタイプ

Bertram Fillcot mbtiパーソナリティタイプ image


"Bertram Fillcotはどのような性格タイプですか? Bertram Fillcotは、INFP in MBTI、2w1 - sp/so - 296 in Enneagram、RCUAN in Big 5、EII in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

IXFP. His practice of using the injections to relieve people of their suffering (i.e. murdering them) speaks to very strong moral values and a strong moral code that he feels compelled to enforce (Fi-Te). I lean towards INFP because assisting his mother in her own suicide as a child and the priest's justification of this likely imprinted on him and contributed to his future behavior (Fi-Si). I could maaaaybe see INFJ in that he's arrogant in thinking he knows what's best for everyone else (Ni-Ti) and is very accommodating of Alma, but I would think that Fe would make justification of his behavior difficult and high Ni would likely lead him to further analyze his mother's choice and the priest's conclusion and to realize that life and mortality have a different meaning to everyone.


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