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Shapeshifting MBTI 성격 유형

Shapeshifting MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Shapeshifting은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Shapeshifting은 mbti의 ENTP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 7w8 - so/sx - , big 5의 SCUEI, socionics의 EIE입니다."

I think this would be an Ne-Si axis thing, especially since most shapeshifting revolves around turning into things that not only already exist, but specifically that the user is well familiarized with (Si) but the ability to rapidly shift between these Si constructs would be where that Ne comes in. Plus many characters with this ability are Ne Doms themselves (like Beast Boy from Teen Titans). ENTP because they are one of the most adaptable types being adaptable mentally (Ne) but also socially (Fe). The only type I'd argue is equally as adaptable is ESTP but again I view shapeshifting as being more Ne-Si than Se-Ni


The power to transform and reshape your body. This comes in a wide variety of forms, but can be classified by exactly what the user can transform themselves into. Most commonly, a shifter is limited to a specific set of one or more "alternate" forms, or a specific "class" of things they can change into (animals, machines, elements, etc.) Sometimes, there's a specific feature that they are unable to conceal, like hair color or voice, that others can use to identify them regardless of what form they are in. Usually, the shifter can transform simply by thinking about it, but occasionally they may use a gadget or a magic phrase. Shapeshifters are almost always tricksters, using their many forms to good advantage (this, too, goes straight back to mythology). Of course, this is one of the more justified chicken/egg scenarios, as if you did have shape-shifting powers, this is the kind of thing you would do. Side-effects may include suffering from an identity crisis.
