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Elena “Lenù” Greco MBTI 성격 유형

Elena “Lenù” Greco MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Elena “Lenù” Greco은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Elena “Lenù” Greco은 mbti의 ISFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 6w5 - sp/sx - 694, big 5의 RLOAI, socionics의 입니다."

讨论文学作品中人物的人格是很难统一的,因为人物展现的不全面,心理健康与否,不是按照模型排列的。在我看来,Lenu的表述有浓烈的内倾非理性态度,她对老城区有独特的看法,有时显得恐怖,对Lila的话会延展出负面想象,她的学习方式是在重复的场景中总结经验,建立数据库,使得在后续的新书见面会上如鱼得水,随年龄增长也逐渐自信,这很符合Si-Ne,可以对比Lila的Ni-Se,Lila在青春期就对未来有长远的打算,畅想自己设计的鞋子品牌会怎样运作下去,她一直知道自己想要的是什么并尽力追求,Lenu却是在短期内做计划,学习和提升,显得更脚踏实地,也对未来迷茫,几次错失机会。 Lenu是Fe的原因,她在意他人的情感,青春期的她希望成为好学生,积极和加利亚尼老师接触,按照小资阶级孩子们的模样改造自己,大学与弗朗科恋爱,跟随他参加革命活动,与彼得罗结婚,为了融入艾罗塔一家和当时的社会氛围,更加关注政治和女性主义,深深迷恋尼诺,在青春期为了他改变自己。是Ti的原因,她独立的思考常常不会主动表达出来,也不会在日常中使用,而是内心世界对话,对比Lila的Te,无论是设计,逃离婚姻,揭露香肠厂的阴暗面还是进入计算机行业,都表现出对外推进事物发展的思考措施,Lenu的思考源于社群,融入社群和关系,与尼诺偷情阶段强硬的展现出来,那时的她是清醒且有策略的。 还有一个Lenu是ISFJ的原因涉及到作者的构思,她暗示Lenu和Lila是硬币的正反面关系。Lenu的思维离不开Lila,Lila需要Lenu的照顾,两人互相依靠又互相嫉妒,她们无法完全分开,导致两人拉扯了大半辈子直到Lila失踪,或许暗示Lila的思维与Lenu整合,成为一体两面的个体。Lila是无争议的INTJ,而INTJ的模型排序全反人格是ISFJ。 It is difficult to discuss the personality of the characters in literary works, because the characters are not fully displayed, and the mental health is not arranged according to the model. In my opinion, Lenu's expression has a strong introverted and irrational attitude. She has a unique view of the old city, which sometimes seems scary, and will extend negative imagination to Lila's words. Her learning method is to summarize experience in repeated scenes and build a database, which makes her feel comfortable in the subsequent book meeting and gradually become confident with age. This is in line with Si-Ne and can be compared with Ni-Se of Lila. Lila had long-term plans for the future and imagined how the shoe brand she designed would operate when she was in adolescence. She always knew what she wanted and tried her best to pursue it, while Lenu made plans, learned and improved in the short term, which made her more down-to-earth and confused about the future. Several missed opportunities. Lenu is Fe because she cares about the emotions of others. In adolescence, she hoped to become a good student, actively contacted with Galliani, and transformed herself according to the appearance of bourgeois children. In college, she fell in love with Franco, followed him to participate in revolutionary activities, married Pietro, and paid more attention to politics and feminism in order to integrate into the Arotta family and the social atmosphere at that time. Infatuated with Nino, changed for him in adolescence. The reason is Ti, whose independent thinking is often not actively expressed or used in daily life, but a dialogue in the inner world. Compared with Lila's Te, whether it is designing, escaping from marriage, exposing the dark side of the sausage factory or entering the computer industry, Lenu's thinking comes from the community. Integration into the community and relationships, the phase of the affair with Nino is tough to play out, when she is sober and strategic. Another reason why Lenu is ISFJ involves the author's conception, in which she implies that Lenu and Lila are opposites of the coin. Lenu's thinking is inseparable from Lila, and Lila needs Lenu's care. They depend on each other and are jealous of each other, and they cannot be completely separated, which leads to the relationship between them for most of their lives until Lila's disappearance, perhaps implying that Lila's thinking and Lenu are integrated and become two sides of one body. Lila is the undisputed INTJ, and INTJ's model sort full anti-personality is ISFJ.


텔레비전 Elena “Lenù” Greco과 유사한 문자
