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  3. Pokémon Type

Ground Type MBTI 성격 유형


"Ground Type은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Ground Type은 mbti의 ESTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 6w5 - sp/so - , big 5의 RCOEN, socionics의 LSE입니다."

(Remembered about doing those again but now I'm doing it in another account for organizational purposes) Notable ground type trainer's typology (according to their pdb consensus) • Giovanni: ENTJ 8w9 sp/so 835 LSI Chol-Phleg • Bertha: ISFJ 2w1 so/sp 268 EII Phleg-San • Clay: ESTJ 8w9 sp/so 863 LSE Mel-Chol • Hapu: ESFJ 9w8 sp/so 962 ESI Phleg [Dom] 》Most common four letter type: ESXJ (by dichotomies) 》Most common cognitive function axis: Si-Ne, Fe-Ti/Te-Fi 》Most common ennea-type: 8w9 (appeared twice as the core type and three times as a fix) 》Most common tritype fixes: 2/3 (heart), 6 (mind), 8 (body) 》Most common instinctual variants: sp/so 》Most common socionics: EXI 》Most valued socionics functions: Fi-Te, Se-Ni/Ne-Si 》Most common Temperament: Phlegmatic > Choleric > Melancholic > Sanguine 》Final typology: ESXJ 8w9 sp/so 86X EXI Phleg-Chol This was just made for fun and I'm pretty sure that most of this consensus are not absolutely correct tbh but this is just a dumb analysis


These Pokémon are associated with the Earth. As such, these Pokémon are often based on underground or desert-dwelling creatures, and their attacks usually involve sand or using the Earth itself. They are most famous for the move Earthquake, a strong and reliable attack that is a must-have on a team. Ground types make their homes in caves and desert regions. Their greatest advantage is over Electric-types, as Ground-types are immune to Electric-type attacks. Ground is tied with Fighting for being super-effective against the most types — Fire, Rock, Electric, Poison, and Steel — and unlike Fighting, it is resisted by a mere two types (Grass and Bug), both of which have their own defensive shortcomings. However, with a type this strong, there are many ways to be immune to it: the Flying type, the Levitate ability, the Air Balloon item, and the moves Magnet Rise and Telekinesis all can render a Pokémon immune to Ground. Defensively, Ground resists Poison and Rock and is immune to Electric, but is weak to Water, Grass, and Ice. If a sandstorm is raging, Ground-type Pokémon take no residual damage from it. In the Trading Card Game, Ground-type Pokémon are part of the Fighting energy type.
