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  2. 시리즈
  3. Pokémon Type

Electric Type MBTI 성격 유형


"Electric Type은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Electric Type은 mbti의 ENTP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 7w8 - sx/so - , big 5의 , socionics의 ILE입니다."

What yall saying 7w8 isn't compatible with SE bruuuuuh 💀💀


Electric-types are known for their ability to control electricity. Most of them are known for extraordinary speed stats. They are also capable of inflicting the paralysis status (though this ability isn't exclusive to electric-type moves). Paralysis cuts the affected Pokémon's speed, and there's also a chance that it can't move at all. Electric types are immune to Paralysis themselves. A lot of them are electricity-generating animals, but a number of machines are among the ranks. Electric rodents appear to be particularly common. Offensively, it is effective against two of the most common types in the game (Water and Flying), while it is resisted by Grass-types, Dragon-types, and other Electric-types, with Ground-types being immune. Defensively, it resists Flying, Steel, and itself, and is only weak to Ground. To balance this, most Electric-types have weak defenses. They mostly make their homes in urban regions, but some take up residence in caves and forests, the latter most memorably being where Pikachu are found. In the Trading Card Game, Electric type is referred to as the Lightning energy type. As of Gen IX, Electric has been paired with every other type at least once.
