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  3. Pokémon Type

Grass Type MBTI 성격 유형


"Grass Type은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Grass Type은 mbti의 ISFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 9w1 - sp/so - 926, big 5의 , socionics의 SEI입니다."

Being in tune your worldly surroundings is so Se and then the mystical nature connection makes it Fi


Grass-type Pokémon is a misnomer. The type is associated with all plant life, autotrophic protista, even heterotrophic crinoids and fungi. They tend to be Mighty Glaciers, strong and sturdy like a tree, but slow to move, though there are several outliers, such as Jumpluff, Sceptile, Whimsicott, and Kartana, who are particularly speedy. It's one of the three starter types. As the name implies, they can generally be encountered wherever tall grass is found, but a few, like Cacturne and Abomasnow, can be found in places that seem inhospitable to plant life, proving their resilience. Grass-types can be difficult to use effectively in battle, as they are heavily disadvantaged in many different ways. They have FIVE weaknesses (Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison, and Bug), their attacks are resisted by seven types (Fire, Flying, Poison, Bug, Grass, Dragon, and Steel), and their movepools tend to be poor, with many Grass-types lacking options other than Grass, Normal, and other attacks/moves from their secondary types. Despite this, they are good at spreading around status effects and passive damage through Leech Seed and the like. Grass types are also good at blocking such status effects themselves, as they're immune to powder moves and Leech Seed. Lastly, their positive defensive matchups can still be relied upon, as Grass is one of only three types to take less-than-neutral damage from Ground and Electric — and, as exemplified in the starter type triangle, also resists the ubiquitous Water type, although its access to Ice moves makes handling Water-types themselves much riskier than taking a Water-type move. As of Gen IX, Grass has been paired with every other type at least once.
