1. 사람과 캐릭터
  2. 비디오 게임
  3. MOTHER 3

Porky Minch MBTI 성격 유형

Porky Minch MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Porky Minch은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Porky Minch은 mbti의 ENTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 6w5 - sp/sx - 684, big 5의 SLOEI, socionics의 SLE입니다."

The RLUEN vote makes no sense and fits neither archetype nor the letters. (Spoilers of course!) Porky is SxOEi. With enormously low agreeableness, and fairly high extraversion. Extraversion: Definitely high in friendliness, even though his attitude towards Ness and other people is faux. Gregarious and talkative as possible. Puts his own plans very distant. Busy most of the time, except probably stops to have a play. Seeks for excitement and doesn't get easily satisfied by one field of activity, very childish towards seeking happiness at all costs. Results: 75% Neuroticism: I don't remember him being very anxious or depressed, except the episode where he has been hurt by Ness' words in Japanese version of M2; In the final battle, doesn't care about world getting ruined to pieces if it doesn't affect him. Easily irritated, impulsive as hell throughout both Mother 2 and 3 games. Results: 50% Conscientiousness: As said beyond, puts his plans distant and seems quite cautious of his safety (he did plan the entire PeRfOrMaNcE when figured out about Lucas' appearance. Disobeyed his parents along with Picky, therefore dutifulness is fairly low. Results: 63% Agreeableness: Doesn't trust people much and only opens up about himself to troll people. Has the level empathy or compassion of Eric Cartman. Modesty? Made an entire town in his name with his statues/memorandums everywhere possible and brainwashed people to praise him. Openly sadistic. Results: 17% Comment: There has been once a theory he turned out that villainous to be due to Mani Mani's influence. Openness: Not as high intellectually-curious as Andonuts, but technically aware, maybe it's boosted by his impulsive attitude that he didn't got how capsula works. Constantly seeks for new things. (Unfinished)


비디오 게임 Porky Minch과 유사한 문자
