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Ray Davies MBTI 성격 유형


"Ray Davies은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Ray Davies은 mbti의 INFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 5w4 - - 549, big 5의 RLUAI, socionics의 IEI입니다."

In my opinion Ray Davies is a INFP Like this guy is a obvious Ne user but watching is interview of him or him talking about the lyrics he wrote, and he got a really strong fi. Example : when he talk about Waterloo Sunset he say that he wrote this song about a special moment with his daughter. He talk about she never came in london before and Ray took her to Waterloo and he say that was a really important place to him « I like to people who i care about who i love to experience that place, I like to sea what they feel about it… It’s really stupid but it’s mean a lot to me » For me a beautiful example of Fi dom and Si tert. (ps sorry if i make huge mistakes in english i'm not english at all)


Sir Raymond Douglas Davies, CBE (/ˈdeɪvɪz/DAY-viz; born 21 June 1944) is an English singer, songwriter and musician. He was the lead singer, rhythm guitarist and main songwriter for the Kinks, which he led with his younger brother, Dave. He has also acted, directed and produced shows for theatre and television. He is often referred to as "the godfather of Britpop". After the dissolution of the Kinks in 1996, Davies embarked on a solo career. #TheKinks

음악 유명 인사 Ray Davies과 유사합니다
