Motomi MBTI 성격 유형


"Motomi은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Motomi은 mbti의 ESFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 2w1 - sp/sx - 268, big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."

I believe Motomi is an ESFJ. His entire job is being an info broker who helps people, and he emphasizes connections with others, which is a Fe thing. His Si comes from how he can't get over his son's death and wants to avenge it by killing Nano. He also resorts to praying in church, despite not being a religious person, which is evidence of Si in the sense that religions in general are traditional. His Si is not dominant, however. Someone with dominant Si would likely be a devout believer in a religion. Prayer is still a Si thing, because Se is about what is tangible, while Si is about the past and what is intangible (you can't see/feel God, after all). Even though he wants to kill Nano, he doesn't excessively focus on it and rather focuses on various people/problems around him (Ne), such as finding information on Keisuke, taking care of Rin and Akira, etc. I think inferior Ti is the reason why he doesn't bother getting to know Nano or listen to what he has to say. He thinks Nano is terrible and should die, essentially, which is a contrast to Akira (who has dominant Ti), because Akira projects his own experiences/feelings on to Nano and thus understands him as a person. Motomi's Ti is really too weak to do this, and instead he gets caught up in his Si. He isn't too focused on the future (unlike someone with Ni), and he doesn't have Se. His perceptions are largely based on the past, whereas Akira, who has Se, is able to convince Motomi to return to reality and stop blaming Nano for his son's death. I think him gaining information for the sake of gaining information is Ti in itself. You could argue that it's Te because he is getting paid for it, but it's not like he's charging Akira for Keisuke's whereabouts and such. He values his relationship with Akira (Fe) too much for that. And obviously Motomi enjoys what he's doing. I think the information he gains is something personal, and it isn't "just a job."


A middle-aged information broker who is first introduced to Akira and Keisuke by Rin. He does not participate in Igura, but is in Toshima to observe it. Motomi generally comes off as a friendly and carefree person, but he acts very serious when he talks about his job and his late wife and son.

비디오 게임 Motomi과 유사한 문자
