Shiki MBTI 성격 유형


"Shiki은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Shiki은 mbti의 ISTP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 8w9 - sx/sp - 837, big 5의 RCOEN, socionics의 SLE입니다."

At the moment I think Shiki might be an ISTP, alongside Akira. I do not think he has dominant Ni. He does not talk much about the future, aside from the ending where he is the ruler of Japan. INTJs have inferior Se, but it is obvious Shiki does not. His main joy is killing people and being in control of things, which requires a high Se. His Ti can be represented by how he does not strive to achieve goals so much as he enjoys the process. I mean, what goal does he have as Il Re? He is already at the top, superior to everyone in strength, but that is not sufficient enough for him. He wants to defeat Nano, which is evidence of Ni (Ni being that he has one main goal). He emphasizes insulting people by demeaning how powerful they are. He aims to be stronger than everyone (type 8). Inferior Fe is the reason why he does not value relationships very highly, and even perceives Akira as his personal toy. But see, if he had Fi then I imagine he would be angered by Akira becoming a whore in one of the bad endings, but instead he is understanding and uses it as an excuse to kill the people who have touched him (Se). He does value his status, which is more of a Fe thing, in my opinion, but only his status as someone who is untouchable and all-powerful. I think inferior Fe causes him to be more narrow-minded in the sense that he sees everyone as being the same (pathetic worms who are inferior to him, in this case).


The main antagonist of Togainu no Chi. He is a violent and brutal man, shrouded in mystery. He is extremely feared among Igura participants for the way he often appears and slays them immediately and with no warning. Though he kills Igura participants frequently, he neither carries nor collects tags, and thus does not appear to be an Igura participant himself.
