Elle Evans MBTI 성격 유형


"Elle Evans은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Elle Evans은 mbti의 ESFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 2w3 - sx/sp - 279, big 5의 SLUAN, socionics의 ESE입니다."

While there may be reasons for Se, there is absolutely no sign of Fi. Fi is generally defined as a function that gives its users a perspective on what they want in life and on who they are as people. Elle has no idea of what she wants, and what she thinks she wants is actually defined by the wishes and expectations of others. Fi users also tend to rebel against rules or anything they see as limiting to the free expression of their values and thoughts. From the very first movie, Elle attempts to mediate badly in order not to hurt Lee or Noah. The lack of ability to understand that you can’t make everyone happy all the time is a very Fe thing. I’d also argue that the strong presence of the “best friend rules” throughout the trilogy is a very Si thing. Overall we see a character whose values are defined by those close to her. While most people are in fact affected by those who close, Fi users tend to have a clearer idea of their identity. She also really doesn’t have a future focused perspective (Ni) and gives a lot of importance to tradition (Attempting to make a wish list come true even if it doesn’t actually make her happy or add anything to her life). She is overburdened by unhealthy use of Fe (others determining who she is) and Si (getting carried away by nostalgia and her childhood) and only at the end of Film 3 do we see a development of Ne (possibility of becoming a game developer) and possibly Ti (Realization that she is in fact capable of becoming a game developer and that it makes no logical sense to go back to the Past). I think that like many teenager characters, she is perhaps an unhealthy version of her type as she has no clear idea of who she is. But as she grows up, she becomes a healthier version of her type. I read that when young, we tend to only use one or two functions. In this case Elle was using Fe and Si, which pulled her into many problems. She gets out by developing the ability to imagine new possibilities beyond what she has believes up until now (Ne) and realising that her new choices are in fact rational and make sense towards the kind of life she wants to build (Ti) For the Enneagram… I think she’s a clear two because her closest relationships are really a defining feature in her character (like achievements would be to a 3 or personal identity to a 4) and her 1 wing gives her a perfectionist side that is seen when she tries to Comply with the rules or do all that is expected of her.


Lifelong best friend of Lee and girlfriend of Noah.

영화 산업 Elle Evans과 유사한 문자
