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Jonathan Rozanski (Mr. Enter) MBTI 성격 유형

Jonathan Rozanski (Mr. Enter) MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Jonathan Rozanski (Mr. Enter)은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Jonathan Rozanski (Mr. Enter)은 mbti의 INTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 4w5 - sx/sp - 415, big 5의 RLUEI, socionics의 입니다."

Growing Around, his pet project for a potential TV show that never materialised reeks of unhealthy INTJ traits. He was always focused on the Ni desire he wanted to manifest, never deviating from it. He's disconnected from his Te, unable to question if his path is realistic, and is guided by his Ni-Fi in believing what he wants will come if he just wishes a little harder from it. An unhealthy INTJ trait, and I've done this myself many times is trying to go too big too fast. Ambition is a trap they can fall into as they are so honed in on an ideal and believe it is possible, that they can end up moving towards it before the path has fully been realised. This is similar to ENTJs jumping the gun, but the difference here is ENTJs jump the gun with the facts in hand, manifesting a vision and desirable end goal as they're moving forwards, and the unhealthy weak Te INTJ moves forwards with Fi guiding the path, when it should be Te. When my Te was weak, it was the same thing. However now my Te is strong, I don't make these mistakes anywhere near as much. Enneatype, I could see Four, One, or Eight.


Jonathan Rozanski (born July 21, 1992), better known online as TheMysteriousMrEnter, John Enter, Mr. Enter, and formerly Brovania, is a YouTuber and reviewer from Chicopee, Massachusetts, best known for his "Admirable Animation" and "Animated Atrocities" series. He harshly criticizes TV episodes he finds distasteful or unpleasant and praises TV episodes he enjoys. Along with his reviewing channel, Mr. Enter also creates gaming videos.

인터넷 유명 인사 Jonathan Rozanski (Mr. Enter)과 유사합니다
