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Count Bleck / Lord Blumiere MBTI 성격 유형

Count Bleck / Lord Blumiere MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Count Bleck / Lord Blumiere은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Count Bleck / Lord Blumiere은 mbti의 INFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 4w5 - sx/sp - 416, big 5의 , socionics의 IEI입니다."

Y'all, bleck doesn't lead with Fi AT ALL. His Ni is soo so clear, and the reason Fe isn't visible is probably because of a loop. He leads so strongly with unhealthy Ni that it's what you think of when thinking of his character - he has ONE singular goal, which is to destroy everything. His own feelings, old morals (as Blumiere) and beliefs are pushed aside to pursue and achieve this goal. If y'all think you see Fi, it's likely because he's either A. Actually an unhealthy 1w2 >> 4w5, or B. He still had strong E1 in his tritype that is unhealthy, and in his mind as an E1, the "right" thing to do is to put an end to all worlds since he assumes their existence only brings misery to himself and others. While I can understand why you might think this is Fi, this is more so traits of an unhealthy E1. His Fe comes out towards the middle/end of the game, as more and more hints of Timpani being alive are revealed to him. We see pieces of his old self come in waves during the cutscenes, and at the end of the game, his need to prioritize others >> his old twisted plan comes out and is his true character, as Blumiere. Since we only see a few minutes of him as his old self, it's hard to find more proof for Fe, but you could argue the need for him to protect and prioritize what his minions wanted to do/Nastasia's freedom to leave him if she wanted seems more like hidden Fe > Fi (UNHEALTHY Fi would likely try to order them to stay by his side, rather than give them the freedom to leave if they wanted). Ti is also more present than Te. The way Bleck processes and justifies the void/his plan is by HIS internal thoughts, what HE sees, not so much on what it would do/cause externally. He doesn't process it externally, around his minions, as much as he does internally on his own. If he used Te, he would likely come to terms quicker that the plan is insane and realize the hurt and damage it would cause. The aftermath of worlds that already have been destroyed (such as the Sammer Kingdom) would also likely push him to see how far he's going, since he could SEE what was happening. To anyone else, the plan is crazy and insane, but to him, since he processes it more internally, it makes total sense and is justifiable. I also want to argue that Bleck is actually a 1w2, albeit VERY unhealthy, rather than a 4w5. An E1w2, as described by PersonalityMax.com; " • Willing to debate their ideas. * Expressive of their own views regardless of what people might think. * Real action takers, unconcerned about whether things go according to plan. * Follow their moral compass, no matter how challenging that may be. * Try to look neat, clean, and put together—carry themselves with pride." These are all common/main traits. I would argue that ALL of these fit Bleck to a T, even if his motivation is twisted and clouded, and I want to break each one of these down and explain why/how it fits him (read reply):


비디오 게임 Count Bleck / Lord Blumiere과 유사한 문자
