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  3. Dragon Ball Z

Hercule / Mr. Satan MBTI 성격 유형

Hercule / Mr. Satan MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Hercule / Mr. Satan은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Hercule / Mr. Satan은 mbti의 ESTP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 3w2 - so/sx - 368, big 5의 SLUAN, socionics의 SEE입니다."

While 3w2 is a take I fully understand, I wonder if Mr Satan isn't a sp/so 2w3. I totally see the passion of deceit and a fixation on vanity, but I don't see the trap of efficiency. I can see the trap of over-dependence though. Mr Satan has a lot of pride, which manifest by an exhaltation of his self-worth after winning the world tournament. Next, he starts believing so much in his strength he is ready to defy Cell. I also see a fixation on false-abundance. He tries to appear stronger than he really thinks he is. He accept to fight Buu to remain the world champion in the eyes of the public but prepared weapons because he knows he can't actually defeat Buu. Another thing I see is the repression of needs, but expectation they will be fulfilled. Mister Satan introduces himself as the humlanity saviour, which he finally becomes despite himself, but after commiting good acts, puts himself on a stand claiming privileges from the public, like sp2. Finally, I can see desintegration (and a bit integration at the same time) into E8. In stress situations, Mr Statn becomes fearless and ready to interpose himself to protect his loved ones against threat like Buu or Beerus. I'm not certain if he is agreable or ego-driven. I think he started more ego-driven, but he gained more sympathy as the show was going. He made several good actions during the serie, like preventing Buu from killing people, before hosting him later, building a house for Gohan and Videl, giving millions to Goku, saving Vegeta from Kid Buu. Without him, the Z fighters would likely have lost to Buu. Mr Satan is not a bad person, he just have a "small" problem of vanity, needing to be imporant and powerful in the eyes of people. Agreability : Trust: 3/5 Morality: 1/5 Altruism: 5/5 Cooperation: 4/5 Modesty: 1/5 Sympathy: 4/5 50% accomodating, 50% Ego-driven


Mr. Satan (ミスター・サタン Misutā Satan), also known as Hercule Satan in the Funimation dub, is the World Martial Arts Champion and the Earth's protector. His real name is Mark (マーク Māku). Mr. Satan is the reigning World Martial Arts Champion, a title won fairly by beating other normal earthlings in a time when Goku and other powerful fighters were battling on Namek and later against the Androids. During the time of the Cell Games, Mr. Satan was already rich and famous, but also an egomaniac. He boasted endlessly on television about his strength, and that he was the "best fighter in the world." In the eyes of characters who know otherwise, he is considered to be a showboating blowhard. He's been known to become cocky about facing the likes of Cell and Majin Buu before remembering that he can't actually beat them.

애니메이션 & 만화 Hercule / Mr. Satan과 유사한 문자
