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  2. 만화
  3. Kid vs. Kat

Mr Kat MBTI 성격 유형


"Mr Kat은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Mr Kat은 mbti의 ENTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 8w7 - sp/sx - 836, big 5의 SLOEI, socionics의 SLE입니다."

Wht Sx/So? Over Sx/Sp or Sp/Sx? I really can't see him with a Social subtype. Social eights are friendly, nutring and helpful and Kat isn't like that at all. Self perservation makes more sense, I could even see Sp being first in his stack: The Self-Preservation Eight: “Satisfaction” "The Self-Preservation Eight expresses lust through a strong need to obtain what they need for survival. The title given to this type is “Satisfaction.” This person has a strong desire for the satisfaction of material needs and an intolerance of frustration, and they have a hard time being patient when it comes to not getting immediate satisfaction of their needs and desires. This intolerance creates a kind of ruthlessness in these Eights about going after what they want and finding ways to get around people who might stand in their way." Many of his schemes and conflicts with Coop consisted of just that: When he fought with Coop over a blanket, when he attempted to change Earth's climate just because he was feeling cold etc. (His character also had an habit of hoarding things like food, milk and yarn)


만화 Mr Kat과 유사한 문자
