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Cooper “Coop” Davies Burtonburguer MBTI 성격 유형

Cooper “Coop” Davies Burtonburguer MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Cooper “Coop” Davies Burtonburguer은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Cooper “Coop” Davies Burtonburguer은 mbti의 ENTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 3w2 - sp/sx - 315, big 5의 , socionics의 LSE입니다."

I encourage to say: this guy is an ENTJ ... How does his Te - Fi manifest? Coop generally seeks to be responsible and put what is fair in the first place (about the responsibility I will take the school as a reference, which is not always achieved by his crazy life, which frustrates him a lot). The reason why Te are above Fi is that this guy loves attention and try to be cool to the others (not to please or be friends with everyone, but to benefit his image). Many times he can be seen as bossy and seeks to take control of his environment (Je users). Where is Ni? He is very young, still not full-developed like a mature ENxJ, but the way his Ni can be seen is when he makes his plans to fight with Mr Kat, calculated and planned ( although there are usually more immediate plans, sometimes he takes some of his time to elaborate more it), full-concerned in the goal of expose Mr Kat, apart from many times having those bad feelings of the situation and hunches (apart from being carried away by them). His Se is quite evident, he loves physical activities, is something impulsive, he directly involucres himself in situations without thinking too much time (Te - Se) although he is not the kind of relaxed and carefree person as would be a dominant Se user like Fiona. How can I prove it? Look at the first chapter, also the chapter "Mr Kat to the future" (where at the beginning there is a bit of his inferior Fi and a Te affected by not being able to meet expectations and his goal).


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