Alice Liddell MBTI 성격 유형


"Alice Liddell은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Alice Liddell은 mbti의 INTP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 5w6 - sp/sx - 548, big 5의 RLUEI, socionics의 ILI입니다."

I see Fi demon. She reacts so indifferently to everything no matter how insane. The whole game is her finding out how she feels since she has repressed it. I think an INTJ would not be so aloof, so I vote INTP. Her Ti is strong, she is always analytical and reductionist, she is in the moment, breaking down every detail of each problem she faces. An INTJ would be looking for shortcuts to the end goal, but Alice seems content chatting people up and solving minor disputes along the way. Ne is apparent. Wonderland is a representation of Alice's mind, so point made. The train is literally off the rails. An INTJ mind would likely be better represented by the majority of the game taking you to each level by train and then reaching the final destination by the end. Alice cant find her 'train of thought' because she doesnt use Ni-Te. Si is her recovering her memories of what happened, this is a crucial part of the game. Finally her inferior Fe is her caring about the people in wonderland and her family.


The heroine of Lewis Carroll's classic books, Alice fell into a catatonic state when her family died in a house fire. Spending ten years in Rutledge Asylum in her coma, Alice stirs when reunited with her toy rabbit, awakening in Wonderland, now a Crapsack World ruled by the tyrannical Queen of Hearts. Alice, with Vorpal Blade in hand, strives to save Wonderland and her own sanity. In Alice: Madness Returns, she has left the asylum but now living in a London orphanage under the care of psychiatrist Dr. Bumby. However, lingering suspicions about the fire send her on another trip into Wonderland to uncover the truth, and darker secrets around her.

비디오 게임 Alice Liddell과 유사한 문자
