Malvina MBTI 성격 유형


"Malvina은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Malvina은 mbti의 INTP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 7w6 - so/sx - 739, big 5의 SLUEI, socionics의 ILE입니다."

"She can be pretty oblivious towards others feelings and understanding of social norms, which often can cause her many problems. She has hard time giving any sort of emotional support, she often doesn't know how to behave in such situation even if she wants to." Pretty clear inferior Fe, given that she's rather oblivious towards others' feelings and social norms. Not that someone without inferior Fe couldn't be this way, but like an inferior function it's a pretty clear Achilles' heel for her. Inferior Fe can commonly manifest in an ignorance and obliviousness towards feelings of others, social norms, and difficulty giving emotional support, so it fits inf. Fe to a T. Given her obsession with feeling good things, avoiding pain, avoiding the bad things of the world, clear type 7. She can be pretty oblivious towards others feelings and understanding of social norms, which often can cause her many problems. She has hard time giving any sort of emotional support, she often doesn't know how to behave in such situation even if she wants to. She also possesses great analytical abilities and problem-solving skills, and places a lot of value on logic and reasoning. The past is also something of great importance to her, but she prefers not to dwell on it, probably because of her 7 core. She also probably has a 3 fix as well because of her tendencies to try to come off as successful and important, and to dedicate herself strongly to her work; and a 1 fix because of her need for justice in the world- she also has great trouble being vulnerable with others-She can be pretty oblivious towards others feelings and understanding of social norms, which often can cause her many problems. She has hard time giving any sort of emotional support, she often doesn't know how to behave in such situation even if she wants to. Wing 6 because she seems to be more cautious and guarded in her behavior- And I think she's an sp/so, because she tends to seek out things that bring her happiness and pleasure for herself, and she seems to have trouble with one-on-one relationships? Anyway, I could be completely wrong-


Second most important character in my story. The description will be in the comments.
