Jade MBTI 성격 유형


"Jade은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Jade은 mbti의 ENFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 3w2 - so/sx - 358, big 5의 SCOEI, socionics의 EIE입니다."

ENFJ Jade argument: Let's first understand what the Fe function is. «Fe is a function of judgment based on a feeling of harmony with the world. Sensational types use their Feelings function to weigh, evaluate and analyze their reactions to the world. They usually experience greater visibility, variability and variety of emotions than Thinking types. In Thinking Types, the function of Feelings is less conscious and less differentiated, which makes them less able to notice emotional fluctuations or subtleties. For each emotion in the arsenal of the Thinking type, the Sensing distinguishes many different feelings or tones of feelings. Since Sensations distinguish such a variety of emotional variations and nuances, they may feel that words are often not enough to capture and convey their experiences». Let's not forget that the function is not divided into good and evil. Fe is not a function of good, and Te is not a function of productivity. These are stereotypes and labels that people have put on to make it easier to grasp the essence of these functions. Now let's get back to our stone: Fe-dom: She asks customers how to address them and is aware of the impact that her actions have on people's emotions. Jade shows a strong attention to relationships and interpersonal dynamics. She is attentive to others, as can be seen from her interaction with customers or employees. She expresses concern for her colleagues, such as Avanturine and Topaz, and is ready to take on various roles in the relationship. She seems to be focused on the emotions and needs of others, and she takes on roles that include leading and supporting others, such as being a teacher and mentor. Her way of working is to establish harmony with customers or staff. Place a client or put pressure on your opponent. She knows what approach is needed to everyone and what their personal values are. The combination of Fe with enneagram 3, literally shouting about her nature. Unlike many ENTJ E3s, she has no ambition. She does not seek to climb the ladder career and occupy the highest position. She lives and works in her corner where she watches people. Her morality is the gray and she doesn't divide the world into good and bad, which conflicts with Te-Fi functions. Jade: «Between right and wrong, bad and good, such a fine line...» She values the status of her pawnshop, as demonstrated by Jade with the Firefly, who considered her pawnshop a common scam for fools. Jade's reaction did not keep us waiting long and dissatisfiedly she showed that she was an honest person. Ti-inf: She is not devoid of her own and subjective analysis of structures and processes, as demonstrated in her character story. She accepted the fact that in addition to material things, emotions are also valuable. For her, this is a special kind of valuable resource that can be pledged on a par with money and jewelry. She believes that people's feelings can stand on a par with material things if they are not bypassed.


• Jade is an employee of the Strategic Investment Department in the IPC, and a member of the Ten Stonehearts.

비디오 게임 Jade과 유사한 문자
