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Swimming MBTI 성격 유형


"Swimming은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Swimming은 mbti의 ISTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 3w4 - sp/so - 317, big 5의 RCOEN, socionics의 SEE입니다."

As a competitive swimmer I'm gonna argue for ISTJ! Swimming is a pretty technical sport that's essentially based on learning the most efficient way to get from one end of the wall to the other (Te) and then replicating it perfectly during each race you swim (Si). To argue against Ti- and Fi- dom, there's not a lot to do with your own personal beliefs or "what works for you" in swimming--it's very Te in that there are techniques that you know will make you faster. It's an individual sport, so Fe is nowhere to be seen. As for Si vs. Se, we can compare swimming to ball sports like volleyball: in each volleyball game, you have to be constantly taking in information: analyzing the opponent, your own teammates, and the position of the ball (Se). On the other hand, in swimming, you're more so trying to replicate precise movements that you've practiced and getting things like timing and breath perfect (Si). As each race is the same (100 free will always be 100 free), you don't really have to respond to the environment or take in information about your surroundings--rather, you're looking within into your own movements and trying to get them perfect (Si). As for Ne inferior, there isn't much room for experimentation or possibility-seeking in swimming--there are a lot of rules about things that are/aren't allowed (e.g. you need to touch the wall with both hands on a breaststroke turn or you get disqualified), so what the sport is all about is achieving a "perfect" technique to go as fast as possible. Overall, very very Si. Hopefully this is enough to convince you! (Can't believe I just spent like 10 minutes arguing for why swimming is ISTJ LMAO)

