Matt Flamhaff MBTI 성격 유형


"Matt Flamhaff은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Matt Flamhaff은 mbti의 INFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 6w5 - sp/sx - 649, big 5의 RCUAI, socionics의 EII입니다."

Yeah, as much as I'd like him to be an INFP it's definitely more probable he's an INFJ, duh! Let's take for example one of the last scenes. He loved Jenna, but she appeared out of nowhere in his life after like 17 years and he had at that time a loving fiance. From one side it would be understandable if he would've left his fiance by the altar for Jenna as there was no chemistry whatsoever between them, even though his fiance was beautiful, kind, and a good person. His big true love was Jenna, as much as he was hers. But he used his Ni-Fe very much, taking into consideration the future, logic, and feelings of all the people (how his fiance would've felt if he left her for Jenna out of nowhere and all her family), and came to the conclusion that even though deep inside he would picture himself with Jenna more still it wouldn't be fair to dump his loving girlfriend and humiliate her at the day of their own wedding. He knew she was a good person and that he would be more than an asshole just leaving her like that. In addition, Jenna didn't care for the 17 years and she just appeared in his life after all these years. He definitely saw that she changed and that she became a better person, but the fact she didn't care all these years was the fact he also took into consideration making this hard decision. The heart wants what it wants, but out of all the types, INFJs try to make decisions best for other people, even if it means their unhappiness because this is how sacrificing and moral they are. INFJs just are logical feelers, always taking all the prons and cons into account, they want to be 100% fair, probably even more than INFPs. What would've done an INFP in his situation? I think most of them would let their heart take a lead (dom-Fi) and even though they would feel extremely guilty for leaving that person, they would be unable to resist fulfilling their love of their deepest dreams. Probably would also give a long emotional empowering full of regret speech to the person they break up with, cause they know how bad she must feel. Under the big pressure, on the other hand, an INFP would be too scared to take such a drastic decision a few minutes before the actual wedding, so they would get married to not hurt other people's feelings, but I think this marriage wouldn't last long at all, and eventually, after months, they wouldn't be able to pretend anymore and would run back to Jenna, like in a fairytale or something. INFJs are rather people who make decisions once and for all, so when he decided to back off and get married to his fiance, he knew exactly what he was doing and probably succeeded to repress his feeling for Jenna and stayed married for the rest of his life, cause he knew it was a "good" thing to do.



영화 산업 Matt Flamhaff과 유사한 문자
