Charles Blackwood MBTI 성격 유형


"Charles Blackwood은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Charles Blackwood은 mbti의 ESTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 3w2 - sx/sp - , big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."

charles’s Te is to strong to be an ESTP (which has Ti). Te: charles is logical and enjoys making decision. he enjoys being “the man of the house” when he arrives at Blackwood house. he wants to be in charge of everything and everyone. he is very efficient in carrying out his plans to become the new patriarch of the family even though he doesn’t succeed. Si: charles is very traditional. he wants to conform to traditional masculine values by being the patriarch. he wears father’s clothes, sleeps in his bed, and acts like the man in the house. merricat wonders if he will make constance dress like mother. in addition, he values money and power, also traditionally male virtues. since merricat and uncle julian are unusual and do not conform to traditional values. they do not embody traditional male and female roles which is why they hate charles. charles also hates merricat for being disrespectful to him and burying money as ‘gardening’. Ne: charles’s Ne tertiary is underdeveloped. but he does enchant constance with ideas of traveling the world and getting out of the small full town. Fi: charles’s Fi is also underdeveloped. because it’s underdeveloped he is cold and distrusting to others. he hates uncle julian and merricat and only likes constance. even then he still only wants to use them to gain their fortune.


영화 산업 Charles Blackwood과 유사한 문자
