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Imperius, Archangel of Valor MBTI 성격 유형

Imperius, Archangel of Valor MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Imperius, Archangel of Valor은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Imperius, Archangel of Valor은 mbti의 ESTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 1w2 - sx/so - 163, big 5의 SLOEN, socionics의 SLE입니다."


The Archangel of Valor and the effective leader of the Angiris Council. As such, he is essentially the ruler of the High Heavens. Imperius is noted to be the greatest warrior in creation and he has clashed with the Prime Evils several times. Despite his hatred of the demons, he refuses to help the humans of Sanctuary against them, as he believes the humans to be abominations that should be purged, as they were born of the union between an angel and a demon. Because of this, he frequently butts heads with Tyrael who wishes to aid the humans and interfere in the world of Sanctuary.

비디오 게임 Imperius, Archangel of Valor과 유사한 문자
