Oh Dong-baek MBTI 성격 유형


"Oh Dong-baek은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Oh Dong-baek은 mbti의 ISFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 1w9 - sp/sx - 162, big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."

I see Si-Fe (ISFJ) as her dominant and auxiliary functions. She’s stuck in the past a lot and even moved to a town where she was hoping her ex would find her eventually because that’s his old hometown. She says he enters her mind all the time despite it being 6 years since they broke up. She wears the bracelet her gave her when they first got together every single day. She’s also a creature of habit and tradition. She based her restaurant on something her ex said to her years and years ago that she remembered. She said she wasn’t good at cooking much, but very good at a few dishes so she started a business based off of that. She doesn’t like to offend others either. She’s hypersensitive to everything people say about her in town and remembers insults people said to her from yeeaaaaars ago. She holds grudges really heavily from the past. She’s hard-working and empathetic and gives everything she has for her kid. She lets Hyang-mi mooch off of her constantly and defends her to other people, but has a really hard time defending herself. She does it in a very shy and soft way. Based on all this, she’s definitely an Si dom with auxiliary Fe. At least that’s what her character shows the most consistently throughout the show. Her Se kind of sucks too. She doesn’t notice her physical surroundings very well at all. She isn’t very coordinated, she’s clumsy, she gets caught off guard constantly because she’s not paying attention.


A single mother who runs a bar called "Camellia" in Ongsan. She is the mother of Pil-gu and ex-girlfriend to Jong-ryul. Although initially she does not reciprocate Yong-sik's feelings, she eventually grows to like him the more he spends time with her and her son.

텔레비전 Oh Dong-baek과 유사한 문자
