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Dr. Buttocks MBTI 성격 유형

Dr. Buttocks MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Dr. Buttocks은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Dr. Buttocks은 mbti의 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 3w2 - sp/so - 358, big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."

This character was very difficult to type, actually. I essentially had to pin down the “mad scientist” trope that this character was molded by. Dr. Buttocks is eccentric like Betrayus, but not in an emotional way. He communicates in an analytical way and even over explains things to characters who likely won't ever understand or care (like Betrayus). This leads me to believe that he has Te in his stack. He’s also more interested in ideas and seems disinterested in details and basic facts about the world. And yes, he is an inventor who builds things, but I do not think this is the interesting part for him. In one episode, “Planet Pac,” I believe, he accidentally messes up his entire equation by writing 1+1=3 rather than 1+1=2, which makes it seem like he easily overlooks important details (not unlike Betrayus). As mentioned in my analysis for Buttler, Buttler is very good at paying attention to details, which explains why he was the one who pointed out this mistake in this episode (“I’m pretty sure that one plus one does not equal three…”). Dr. Buttocks also does not seem to care very much about emotions. All we really see from Buttocks in this respect is envy (involving his rivalry with Sir. Cumference, which is effectively a battle of wits). Because of this, I think that Dr. Buttocks is an ENTJ. As for alignment, Dr. Buttocks is clearly chaotic evil, and as for his enneagram, I think that he would be a type 3w2. This is because of his strong drive for achievement and being the best, he wants to prove himself intellectually and will even get by through untruthful means. He is wing 2 because he puts more emphasis on how others view him and has an ideal persona of himself that he conforms to (more sociable, relationship focused version of type 3). The consensus here was ESTJ, which is interesting… This stack has Si and Ne rather than Ni and Se like I decided on. I disagree with this.


비디오 게임 Dr. Buttocks과 유사한 문자

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