Jeongwoon Han MBTI 성격 유형


"Jeongwoon Han은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Jeongwoon Han은 mbti의 INFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 5w4 - sx/so - 529, big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."

Why does people vote him ENTP? He uses lots of abstract hunches. So much Ni. He is observant about his surrounding, especially people's other way of thinking and feeling. Indicating Fe. He read other people's emotions so easily, such as how he knows Jaehyung is interested in Dakyung, or how her ponk haired bestie is interested in Dakyung's hacker brother. Honestly I get lots of INFJ vibes from him. INFJ can get into creepy modes too, honestly they can be anything (any personality type to disguise their true thoughts and intentions). And Han JeongWoon is really like that. He is hiding his true self behind his mask. As a mysterious aura surrounding him. He knows so much about others because he can read others like a book easily, just by talking few words and reading people's word and actions and feelings. But others know little about him. He shares very little about himself too, which makes Dakyung feels uncomfortable and unsafe arround him, feeling warry. But he provides one of the most necessary support, especially emotional support. Read chap 50+++ to understand what I mean. He just knew what others want from him. And don't let me explain his Se and Ti too. People vote him Entp because he is showing his Ti right? And Se, just look at how sometimes he behave like a turned on male wanting to eat Dakyung when he gets flustered (driving by his sex drive to kiss her too). He literally screams Se. Calling him INFJ since he smells more Ni>Fe to me. So INFJ Ni>Fe>Ti>Se.


웹 만화 Jeongwoon Han과 유사한 문자
