Cecil Vyse MBTI 성격 유형


"Cecil Vyse은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Cecil Vyse은 mbti의 INTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 3w4 - sp/so - 316, big 5의 RCOEI, socionics의 입니다."

He's a snob. And I like him. He's sheltered and innocent, intellectual, cultured, literate, well-read, exhibits love of the arts, introverted, and he's an undesirable mate for it. He's a loser, asexual, inexperienced. Unwanted. Despised. And his competitor, the brave, daring, womanizing, confident businessman that promises short term passion, that has been to places, that shows no fear, is brave, extroverted, masculine, simple, dominant, and is unafraid of crossing the barrier of taking a married woman for himself because that is what he wants. The book and every literature circle wants to make me accept George Emerson as a hero and Lucy Honeychurch as a heroine, and Cecil Vyse as a despicable snob who would be better of shamed, put down in favor of his mediocre and passional counterparts. Cecil Vyse vs George Emerson is the high school nerd vs the high school jock/dropout and nothing more than that. Edit: I don't like him anymore. He's a product of his environment, sure. But he can do better and he's unashamed of doing absolutely nothing and thinking himself better than everyone else, who is undeserving for being in their place in society (which is what this whole movie touches on, the right and the wrong people, boring exclusionary brains and fun inclusively sexual passion)


영화 산업 Cecil Vyse과 유사한 문자
