Jason Street MBTI 성격 유형


"Jason Street은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Jason Street은 mbti의 ESFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 2w1 - - , big 5의 SLOAN, socionics의 입니다."

I'll begin by saying Jason is as intuition dominant as coach T. has strong Fe, in other words, the idea alone is so derisive and untenable I won't even delve deeper into it. This is just PDB users being dumb and biased One of Jason's more noticeable traits is his need to prove his worth and strenght: he was once the remarkable QB of the Dillon Panthers but after a desafortunate accident he's incapacitated and now he feels useless and ashamed and has a difficult time trying to rationalize and come to terms with this reality. I think he has Si because he's so fixated with the idea of what he used to be and wants to return to something impossible that brought him stability, joy and made him an important member of his community, but his Ti has to be inferior really, it makes me want to scream sometimes, in order to fix his problems he takes very drastic and hasty desicions and he's a bit dramatic when his friends try to talk some sense into him. He's probably an ESFJ. Jason's too prone to get emotionally carried away to have inf Fi and he's pretty good at playing with people's heartstrings and convincing them by saying just what they need to hear. He's extremely selfless towards those he loves and this can be said of any type but as I said, I don't think he has the feeling function in the inferior stack

