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Yoon Seo-eon MBTI 성격 유형

Yoon Seo-eon MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Yoon Seo-eon은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Yoon Seo-eon은 mbti의 ISTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 9w8 - sp/sx - , big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."

ISTJ - Having Si as a dominant function explains his want to continue on in his familiar routines, despite them conflicting with his own desires at time. While Soo-eon appears controlling at first in regards to Yuda, he’s shown to be receptive to other views in his own private thoughts. However, his auxiliary function of Te leads him to pursuing logical, not emotional, solutions to problems. Having Fi as a tertiary function is shown by his lack of readiness to explore his own emotions. sp/sx - Soo-eon is shown to always place emphasis on his own survival. When having his life controlled, he chose to follow along with his mother’s (and eventually father’s) plans in order to not cause problems for himself. This is also due to his strong Phlegmantic nature which will be addressed later. Continuing on, after Soo-eon has established a secure state of life for himself, he becomes focused entirely on protecting and caring for his love interest (Yuda). Phlegmatic [Dominant] - Phlegmaticism is defined by an even-tempered, controlled, and passive nature. All of these traits are shown, especially during Soo-eons upbringing where he very much went with the flow. Soo-eon lacks the general neuroticism of the melancholic type, excitable nature of Cholerics, and sociable nature of the Sanguine.


Gyum's younger step brother. He is the love interest of Yuda

웹 만화 Yoon Seo-eon과 유사한 문자
