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Alice Phoebe Lou MBTI 성격 유형

Alice Phoebe Lou MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Alice Phoebe Lou은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Alice Phoebe Lou은 mbti의 INFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 4w5 - sx/so - 479, big 5의 RCUAI, socionics의 IEI입니다."

How is she a sx4? The sexual subtype of the 4 is one of the types that express anger the most in the whole enneagram (if not the one that expresses it the most). Sexual 4s are competitive, they seek to compete against those they feel envious about, because they refuse to feel their shame. They want to WIN. And anyways, i don't think she's any of the subtypes of the 4. "Feeling that they don't fit in" is not inherently a 4 thing. Many enneagram types can feel like they don't fit in, specially if they are Fi dom. 4 is not about that; 4 is about "envy". That said, i think she's a sx7. This is a very non-conformist type. Just listen to "New Song", or "She", or "Red" or many others. Her core motivation is to seek freedom to do whatever she wants, be whoever she wants to be. And this resonates a lot with sx7. But, to be fair, i'm not 100% convinced of her type. She's a really healthy individual, and the healthier the person, the harder they are to type enneagram-wise. Also, INFP+7 is not a very likely combo, which i think is the reason it's hard to type her. So yeah.


South African indie-folk singer-songwriter

음악 유명 인사 Alice Phoebe Lou과 유사합니다
