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  3. Tied Up In Twins

Sarang chun MBTI 성격 유형


"Sarang chun은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Sarang chun은 mbti의 INFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 9w1 - sp/so - 962, big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."

(1/?) Hello hello, first off I wanna say that I'm pretty bad w words and English isn't my first language so pls forgive me if this argument is confusing to read lol But I rlly wanna talk about Sarang's type and why he's definitely not, in my opinion, a high fe user. What he definitely is is an Fi dom, though I'm a bit confused on the aux, I think he may have more se than ne, but rn I wanna just prove the Fi since it's very obvious in him. To start off, I wanna point out that Fe is NOT being kind/nice/selfless/putting others above yourself. It is an objective judging function which relies on "other people's morals' or 'objective feelings' (if that makes sense) to make its decisions. For example, 'everyone says this is how X should be. Therefore, X is the way to go.' It's an objective feeling function that is, in my opinion, quite 'detached' from the user's own 'personal' feelings. It's more 'impersonal'. For an fi dom who's 'kind', this kindness they show is more selective and personal, like, if you ask an Fi dom why they're being kind to you, they're prolly gonna be like, 'cuz I wanna.' Or 'cuz I like you' or, 'cuz you're important to me'. But an Fe user will prolly be like, 'cuz u deserve kindness, like everyone else', or 'cuz it's what you deserve', or 'of course I'd be kind to you. Why would I not???' What I mean to say is, Fi is much more 'subjective' with the kindness thing than Fe is. Much more personal. (And NO IM NOT SAYING FE IS FAKE PLS DONT MISUNDERSTAND I LOVE FE WITH ALL MY HEART ITS SUCH A NICE FUNCTION!!!)


웹 만화 Sarang chun과 유사한 문자
