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Fairy Type typ osobowości MBTI


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

I really can't see much Fe Dom, aux, tert, or even inf, we are not talking about fairy type Pokemon but moreover the concept of fairy type Pokemon and what they exactly mean, fairy's are mythical creatures that are dreamy, idealistic, and very fantasy ish. This describes ENFP and INFP 9w1's very well. So in Pokemon I'm guessing that the concept of the fairy type is the same. Of course you could say that fairy types are very caring pokemon who care about others but that doesn't make any sense because caring about others can't just be reserved for Fe users just like how morality isn't reserved for Fi users if caring for others is what the Fi Dom values than that's what they do they can even be better at it than Fe users


The newest type, introduced in Pokémon X and Y. Introduced to combat the growing power of the Dragon-type and to boost the offensively-weak Poison- and Steel-types, Fairy-type Pokémon represent practically every culture's interpretation of fairies (whether it's the cute, harmless, benevolent sprites or the more mischievous, often meaner tricksters). Sprites, cute critters, and mystical otherworldly beings often represent the type. Despite their adorable appearances, they're effective against the more "hardcore" Pokémon. Fairy is a highly effective type, both offensively and defensively. It resists Dark, Fighting, and Bug and is immune to Dragon, and is only weak to Steel and Poison. Offensively it's just as good, hitting Fighting-, Dragon-, and Dark-Types super-effectively while being resisted by Poison, Steel, and Fire. The things holding them back are their relative scarcity, lack of heavy hitters compared to other types, lack of physical moves and the fact that they are commonly slow and can't take physical hits very well. In the Trading Card Game, Fairy-type Pokémon are currently part of the Psychic energy type. However, in sets starting with XY and prior to Sword & Shield, they were their own type.
