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Commander Shepard (Paragon) typ osobowości MBTI

Commander Shepard (Paragon) typ osobowości MBTI image


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

Just reading through all the MBTI and Enneagram types, I think the reason people are conflicted about whether Paragon Shep is an ENFJ or an ENTJ is that I think she (my canon Shep is female but this can apply to male Shep too) is the rare but not impossible combination of ENTJ 2w1. For reasons others have argued, I believe she is an ENTJ based on the cognitive stacks A paragon Shep (if we’re talking almost all paragon choices) will use her Te to not upend existing structures but find ways within the structures to get her way (the paragon choice is never to tell the Council to Eff off or to just hang up on them) and she keeps her cool knowing she doesn’t have to act against people to get what she wants (unless pushed to the brink like Zaeed’s loyalty mission). Her Ni/Se are pretty evident (adding to the confusion for ENFJ). I think due to her experiences with the Alliance) has shaped her to develop her inferior Fi, which is her natural top 4 function stack. A paragon Shep won’t destroy the system but she won’t mindlessly follow authority if it violates something she values. She has such a strong sense of individual right/wrong that her Fi can’t be ignored (like a certain companion of hers whose Fi is overlooked for some reason, and in his case, it is even more evident). The Fe people see in her to make an ENFJ can be due to her origin story developing her strong sense of being useful (Enneagram 2) or maybe it’s her Fi that values being a person who can help. Either way, the paragon way is to listen to people (but not too deeply…she’s still an ENTJ), and find logical, practical ways she can help in that Bioware “every NPC can’t help themselves” way to point where it seems Shepard gets off on it. I think she’s definitely a 2w1. The 1 wing is why she’s awesome. I know some think an ENTJ 2w1 is so rare that there’s no way they exist, but stats show it’s not an impossible combination, and, let’s face it, the thing about Shepard is that she’s rare… there isn’t anyone like her (as far as we know) in the galaxy. https://personalityhunt.com/ENTJ-2w1-the-complete-guide/


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