Remy typ osobowości MBTI


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

For all the ENFP voters--where do you actually see Remy using Ne? When we look at his style of cooking as a whole, he isn't really all that experimental or innovative. He's not someone who seeks possibilities or tries new things for the sake of "exploring the craft" or something along those lines. Rather, he tends to have very clear ideas about which flavors will pair well and which ones won't, and enjoys the in-the-moment sensory experience of actually making it happen. His overall goal is to take already existing dishes and make them taste as good as they possibly can. He's willing to go against the pre-established procedures if necessary, but they don't really weigh on his mind a lot either as a positive or a negative. One moment that clearly demonstrates his Se-Ni in action is when Remy sees Linguini messing with the soup. He observes the present situation (Se) and immediately draws the conclusion (Ni) that the soup is going to taste terrible because Linguini clearly has no idea what he's doing. He then starts freaking out but is able to think quickly on his feet (Se) in order to fix it.


Remy is the protagonist; he's a common rat who dreams of being a chef despite his father's wishes. After being separated from his clan, Remy manages to make his way to Gusteu's, the restaurant of his late idol. Remy seizes the opportunity to make a wonderful dish, but everyone believes it was done by the bumbling Chef Linguini. Remy and Linguini come to an agreement: Linguini will take the credit of creating the food Remy cooks while Remy gets to live out his dream at last.
