Paya typ osobowości MBTI


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

Si vs Se : Paya is unlikely to take risks as she is heavily dedicated to her Grandmother and the upkeep of her house. She is easily startled, and to me that would be an argument against Se. Se users, to my knowledge, are very aware of their present situation and things happening in the present moment. It is a small argument and I am not saying that Se users are never, ever startled, but in the context of the game and her character I think it is valid to mention. Paya cares very much about her heritage and her traditions. She cares for the Sheikah heirloom everyday and becomes depressed when it is stolen. This shows that rather influencing external stimuli (Se) she is influenced by external stimuli (Si). She also stores much information from her past, shown by her diary and all of the knowledge she has of her culture. Fe vs Fi : Paya tends to care far more for what other people think and how other people feel. Though keeping a diary, oftentimes she does not dwell much on how she feels, rather, it seems she is somewhat unaware of how she feels. She talks about how her grandmother feels, how Link feels, and the fate of Hyrule. She talks more about how events and happenings affect other people, found in her first diary entry, "Grandmother has been waiting for him to reappear after all this time. I, too, pray that he awakens soon. For the sake of Hyrule... and for Grandmother's sake as well." Her personality in general seems to be one that would much rather follow what others are doing rather than have her own personal values she acts on, due to how dedicated she appears to be to Hyrule and her grandmother. (Continued in comments)


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