Wenxi Liang typ osobowości MBTI


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

Hey!! So, I'm not the best at typing, but here's the best I could do! (I'm still quite new, please forgive me and correct me if I got anything wrong :D!) She definitely strikes me as a Te user and inf Fi user. She seems like an unhealthy Te user. Unhealthy Te users, from what I know, tend to be quite "bossy" or "pushy" and they want people to follow their rules. I feel as though this is shown in Wenxi when you say "One time, when she is a team leader, she throw chair at students not paying attention to her talking. Hopefully, that student dodged it." In my opinion, that seems like incredibly unhealthy te. She also seems inf fi due to the fact that she seems to not really be able to show her inner feelings so well I see so3 with a w4 because she seems to really want to live up to her parent's expectations and be really good, but she doesn't really seem to want to make people love her so much which would be a w2? If that makes sense? She seems to kinda wanna do things her way, which kinda strikes me as more of a w4 lol Also, unrelated but I love how she's written! I like how she would actually probably act like that in real life if her parents were like that. I really like your oc, she seems so cool:) But uhm, anyways! That's all I have haha Hope it helps and that it made sense:)


Role: deuteragonist Alignment: Neutral Evil Ranking: 1/1,990 IQ: 210 Personality: intelligent, perfectionistic, arrogant, blunt, secretly depressed. She ranked first place in a school for extremely gifted prodigies. She gained early fame by winning the International Mathematical and Physics Olympiad and getting accepted into Harvard at age ten. However, she will use manipulation and betrayal to win and preserve her image. As the story progressed, she realized the value of genuine relationships and made true friends for the first time. Despite being a famous prodigy, she had a lonely childhood. She was under pressure to succeed all the time, from society, her mother, and herself. Her mom will even beat her up if she failed to be No.1. This caused her to value achievement over anything else. Aside from her intelligence and achievement, she is just a normal teenage girl who likes playing with her friends and longing for romance, even though she denies that.
