Qiyan Agula typ osobowości MBTI


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

While there is no doubt that author intended INXJ here, I fail to see how Fi is not somewhere in the stack. There are several instances in the story when Qi Yan's personal beliefs directly affect very important decisions and show clear preference of Fi over Fe. Nangong Rang's unavoidable approaching death meant he was going to die no matter what, still Qi Yan was absolutely set on killing him with her own hands despite her realizing clearly this would hurt Nangong Jingnu and destroy the relationship they had forever (Fi>Fe). Later in the story similar dilemma occurs with only 2 important ministers left connected to her revenge. Yet again she can't let go of her personal beliefs and suffers greatly, she understands logically that Nangong Jingnu not finishing them off fast is reasonable and absolutely better for the kingdom (Ni-Te judgement), but gets stuck emotionally (Fi) and can't adapt to the new setting. Even her final fake suicide is basically Qi Yan forcing Jingnu to act according to her beliefs. I can see where INFJ votes are coming from, Qi Yan is very good at manipulation and usually feels the environment she's in very well. But the book states that she spent many years polishing her social skills, and the way she approaches people is learning the most possible available information about them beforehand and making judgement this way. She does sometimes miscalculate because of this, expecting people to act like chess pieces and not, well, people with their own personal feelings, hinting at Ni-Te approach. Additionally, Nangong Jingnu's character arc involves developing her healthy teriatary Te function, which is mostly thanks to Qi Yan and her influence. All in all, I think INTJ is just more probable.


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