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Nathan Dokgo (독고오공) typ osobowości MBTI

Nathan Dokgo (독고오공) typ osobowości MBTI image


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

Nathan is canonly an INTP, and here's why! Bro's a hacker, aka the stereotype for INTPs if they were gangsters/j Nathan, he likes thinking with possibility and what's up AND WHY that behaviour is happening. (Shown when him and Ryan were trying to find Tom Fuse and there was a car that was speeding, raising his suspicions as he's slightly observant.) When Timmy got kidnapped, Nathan fell into a loop of self-doubt and depression. Blaming himself for everything that happened to the team. Nathan was grown up to be independent (due to his childhood only raising Timmy), showing that he cares for a logical standpoint and independency, though, he obviously loves his friends and family and will do anything for them. During the time Nathan was in depression, he couldn't open up to anyone and isolated himself, (i think that's an INTP trait) When Nathan first met the Pilots (Aka Ryan, Kory, and Dylan), he had lied to them to make his little brother feel good. He practically couldn't open up as easily as his little brother could. It caused an argument without communication and that is where everything went south (Nathan was disobeying laws, hacked into systems he wasn't supposed to have access to, Bank Robbery, Grand Theft Auto and more). Though in the end, everything was resolved, (After Nathan was kidnapped by Diluk and having a talk with the Pilots.. Yikes)


W Pilot
