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Lucretia typ osobowości MBTI


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

(Edited) What if she is INTP 2w1? https://personalityhunt.com/INTP-2w1-the-complete-guide/ ←it was created not so long ago and has what I said here before(especially about Fe with Ne).Ti:she understands(and only she)full concept of Celestials and we can see that by her line that she said after looking at Zaphrael to see if he knows or sorry about what he has done-so the Celestials are not blind,they just do not care,means she understands that Celestials would do everything to beat Hypogeans:sacrificing others+that if she won't stop him,he will do it again(I SHOULD find and destroy Zaphrael,The Celestials SHALL pay for their MISDEEDS),this is why she uses Ti the most in decision making process,her in game lines almost all are thoughts,she even says thoughts during a fight-so the Celestials are not blind,they just do not care,as a conclusion of her research of the situation,we can see Ti in a moment with demons trying to manipulate her,she knew they want her soul,she understood mechanism,that's something what usual emotionally unstable person won't do,especially in such a brutal situation,even knowing that,she is consuming them and controlling them,so she remains herself,proof→ https://youtu.be/p1cTX_k2xUw?si=y7JxJ3CHBWqTr4gJ developers say that Lucretia controls them,and now you can understand her lines-you will join me or suffer(consuming them),shows she is very strong at controlling(emotions?)(I predicted that),she knew what she was doing+it's a brilliant idea how to avenge her son against god,that's work of Ne,+on Celebration to make a surprise for children she asked hosts to question children what they want instead of asking by herself so they won't know that she knew this so they believe it's magic, like it's Fe+Ne,the most important thing now about this is how quickly she understood this,INSANELY quickly and correctly(VERY high IQ),I don't think any other type would do it that quickly and correctly.She questions Zaphrael about her Gods theory,will they ignore that in this time,that's her process on getting a truth and in the end of a mini video she confirms her idea was right Ne+Si.Si:she remembers everything that was done to her and not forgiving them for that,INTPs do not forgive,ISFJ do a lot+still thinking about her son(also I am waiting for Ti+Si loop in a future interactions(my current prediction).Fe is straightened by ennegram,like it's around Si or even Ne here+she used it also to get what Zaphrael was thinking and what demons want from her(Fe+Ti),in a Celebration she is the only who cared about children+her Si remembered her son so she made them happy and only here we finally see her happy,small detail,she wasn't hesitating to approach and then fight Zaphrael on a Celebration(and her lines are sarcastic,if I am right)),that's why her Fe is still lower than Ti.Described as detached(the only),had family,she knew they do not care about her,same for Zaphrael,her son was born,died,mostly had 1 person in the end remained alone,hides her face in a her exclusive skin even with additional fan+we can find her in a carnival event at a home,in a Celebration(Roving Squad)not saying anything and being alone all of the time(when we tap on her when she has no quests,sign says-Lucretia hasn't spoken a word,if we tap in her second quest,sign says-even though Lucretia was invited to celebration,she seems to be detached from a living scene).Read my additional comments about ennegram and details (details actually the most important in typing,no details→no cognitive functions;no cognitive functions→no personality;no personality→no MBTI).Note:how do you think,why she has 3 types that are voted almost equally here?Because she is not,stereotypical,right?People vote INTJ because haven't read her story+her demon form,ISFJ because saw INTPs functions and/or can't believe such a person can be INTP because she had a family and feelings,INFJ because she is very kind+thoughtful.I been thinking what if INFJ,she can't be INFJ because she is extremely detached,super emotionally stable,thinking way too quickly and correctly.Wow,she might be the best example of INTP 2w1,but,I am still questioning,maybe it's just an ISFJ...a very weird,very emotionally stable,detached,having problems with expressions,ingenious ISFJ,I just can't believe that INTP's can be so normal,or even heroic.Gonna admit,the more I check different ISFJs, Lucretia is still different,she is actually unique as a person,she is something else,she is very interesting,very,as I see that she is the most voted character here,other people also think so.Well in conclusion I want to say that I am still following this character and if in the future we will have info that will say that she is not an INTP 2w1,I will change vote immidiettely,and I will stop typing.Maybe it's because she is not any of them?Another question,what the only type can be related to all of them?INTP,also all these misstypes of INTP,only no INFP.Is her anger a shadow ENTJ?Links in a comments↓


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