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Rhys Williams tipo de personalidade mbti

Rhys Williams tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Rhys Williams? Rhys Williams é um tipo de personalidade ESFJ em mbti, 6w7 - so/sp - 628 em enneagram, SLOAN em Big 5, ESI em sociônicos."

suuuuch an ESFJ. i'm having succession withdrawals but he reminds me sooo much of tom. also the third ESFJ man i know who does the "heyyy" in a soft voice when they're comforting someone lol. even the way he snaps at gwen when he's had enough feels ESFJ-core. ESFJs can get very vicious, it's always something to behold. i love that him and gwen are a double fe-dom couple, but her ni + 9 make her detached in a way he finds troubling... makes for some good drama. i enjoy their relationship, they're very layered and real.

