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  3. Torchwood

Owen Harper tipo de personalidade mbti

Owen Harper tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Owen Harper? Owen Harper é um tipo de personalidade ISTP em mbti, 7w8 - sp/sx - 684 em enneagram, RLUEI em Big 5, LSI em sociônicos."

Alright, so I posted something here over a month ago about how Owen was a great example of an ISTP 7 (which I put in a comment down below because I still agree with what I said about his usage of the ISTP functions.) HOWEVER, I no longer think he's a 7. This is gonna contain mild spoilers (...for a seventeen year old show). I get very confused regarding the brand of ExTP "7s" we see in characters like Bender from Futurama, Rick from Rick & Morty, and BoJack from his eponymous show. I mention this because I'd initially interpreted Owen as this genre of character. These characters are cynical, pessimistic, hedonistic, self-destructive, reckless, and prone to self-pity. They self-medicate through alcohol and sex, and have a tendency to lash out at their friends and to radiate frustration and unhappiness. They're usually 783s or 784s (with the 3 or 4 contributing a significant amount of spite and the 8 obviously contributing rage and dissatisfaction). All of this contradicts with my understanding that 7s are unwilling to face their own inner darkness or to dwell on being miserable, because these types of characters seem to build a personality out of their jadedness. I'm not entirely sure if this is just what happens when a 7 reaches the lowest rung on the health ladder, or if these character have been mistyped - this is one of the few places in enneagram I feel like I haven't researched sufficiently enough to come to a conclusion. And usually I wouldn't even be talking about something I'm not firm in my belief in, but this is gonna be less about why he's not a 7 and more about what he actually is, anyway. When typing characters, you have to take into account if they're mentally ill, as well, and I personally interpret Owen as having BPD, which influences his behavior, and makes me more aware of the dissonance between how he behaves on a surface level versus the thought processes actually going on underneath. It definitely accounts for the impulsivity and lack of self-preservation we see in Owen that, on paper, is very much un-six-like. When trying to type a character who's clearly unhealthy I try to imagine, or look back on (if flashbacks are offered), what they were like during a better point in their life. In Owen's case, if he seems like an unhealthy 7 throughout most of the show, does he still come across as one in the flashbacks and during his happier moments? No, he really doesn't. Especially next to Jack (who I think is a sp-sx 7w8), or even Gwen (who has a strong 7 fix). Granted, maybe the flashbacks in S2 E12 don't fully tell us because he was already pretty sad in them - but I'd imagine a 7 who'd been doing well and suddenly got whammied with something awful would react with denial and/or with lots of optimism and reassurance. The pre-Torchwood Owen we meet in Fragments, and in Adam when he's essentially been factory reset, comes across as very quiet, dutiful, caring, and soft-spoken. He's not fun-oriented, he's not interested in his own pleasure (which directly contradicts the usual Owen, where selfishness is a recurring theme with his character). He cares about people, he cares about service... the need to help and to save people is a trait we see out of Owen consistently throughout the show, though it's typically something more unconscious and nagging that he tries to shove down in favor of 'putting himself first'. Nonetheless, he desperately wants to do good. Maybe one could argue this is social 7-esque, but... let's be real, does social 7 sound feasible for Owen. I don't think so. Long story short, I think Owen's a sexual 6. I think he's a sx/so 6, two seemingly contradictory instincts in an already-contradictory type, because 6s are constantly at war with themselves. Owen himself is a very contradictory character. He rebels against Jack as a leader, and yet he's the character who looks to him for what to do next most frequently. He very much relies on his authority. In several scenes, when something's happened and they're in danger, Gwen follows her gut and acts immediately (gut-type 9w8) while we can catch Owen glancing at Jack for direction. He snaps in the S1 finale, ostensibly over being "sick of people doubting [him]"; he's tired of being pushed around and seen as lesser (6-core as hell). Despite this, he genuinely does lack the ability to be the leader, and gladly forfeits that responsibility to Gwen in Jack's absences. Jack seems aware of this, at one point (during a heated moment) rubbing it in his face. This, incidentally, is what causes Owen to snap. Being pushed too far. (Cont. in the comments.)


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