Honoka Sawada tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Honoka Sawada? Honoka Sawada é um tipo de personalidade ISFP em mbti, 6w7 - sx/sp - 648 em enneagram, SLUEN em Big 5, SEE em sociônicos."

Idk about ENFP/INTJ war at anime pre-debut, I see some Natsukido Rei vibes from Komi-san that strenghten her Fi + ennea 6 (I'm currently leaning on w7 because of enthusiastic attempts towards Hori and some believable third class students), and some future struggles to open herself from skeptical negative thoughts about the boys and classmates. I also notice some conscious Se. There are no significant clue for Ne/Si as ENFP. ISFP can be my second (now as primary) option when considering unconsciously high Fi issues and impulsive decision Se-alike for her own sake desires.


A second year student and Miyamura's neighbor with a crush on Hori. Sawada gets into conflict with Miyamura often though she ends up joining his friend group.

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