Yuki Yoshikawa tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Yuki Yoshikawa? Yuki Yoshikawa é um tipo de personalidade ENFP em mbti, 9w1 - so/sx - 792 em enneagram, SCUAI em Big 5, IEE em sociônicos."

yukiiii my beloved ENFP 9w1…. such a lovely girl. her nine is pretty clear from how she navigates things with sakura and tooru. shes honestly such a kind person underneath her ne and her 9w1. she is such a textbook 972, and i absolutely adore her to bits for it. she constantly seeks to avoid conflict, mostly potential conflict that she might initiate, but still has a lot of seven elements. she seeks out stimulating experiences, even with something as small as eating the cookies sakura baked despite how upset she was. this also goes along with her 9 and 2. i think her use of fi is fairly evident. she obviously has a strong sense of what she believes is the right thing to do, especially in the situation with sakura and tooru. she feels bad throwing away sakura’s cookies. she also feels strongly about how to turn down the person who confesses to her, choosing to pretend to have a boyfriend instead of hurting him. i really really enjoy yuki’s character and her character design and i think shes underrated tbh:) edit: i also think people mistake her use of fi and her 9w1 for introversion. i think she’s fairly clearly an extrovert. definitely a ne dom. (will come back later with evidence lol)


Hori's best friend. A friendly, happy girl.
