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Shade/EunWol tipo de personalidade mbti

Shade/EunWol tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Shade/EunWol? Shade/EunWol é um tipo de personalidade INFP em mbti, 9w1 - sp/so - em enneagram, em Big 5, ILI em sociônicos."

Shade's entire story revolves around playing with his Fi-Si. Early in his character development (pre-Heroes of Maple), Shade has to come to terms that everything he once knew and loved will never remember him. During his job advance quests, you notice that Shade isn't naturally assertive and just ends up getting sad/depressed when he finds that someone doesn't remember him or when he's anticipating getting hurt by seeing them forget him (Fi/Si). Even a Hyper Skill revolves around appeal to Fi/Si with Spirit Bond Max: "Your bond with the spirits has been maxed. Your yearning for Moonbeam summons the spirit guardian you got from her, and it takes her form. The memory of an uneaten liver nibbles away at your subconscious, appearing sometimes when you hit enemies. Pick it up to strengthen your resolve and increase the buff's duration." It's not until after his character development from his initial character story -> level 200 when he finally has the courage to move on and honor the good times he had with Freud and everyone he's ever met. In Heroes of Maple, you find him with a better developed Te (because of a new purpose to strive for) and a more rational side to him is revealed (which can be explained easily if his enneagram is something like a 5w6 or 6w5). Shade probably also has a good Ni critic which can explain why he might appear Ni dom/tert. I definitely don't think he is Si Demon though since his character development focuses solely on the idea of: Why doesn't anyone remember me? And that he's stuck in a literal manifestation of a Fi-Si loop, if he ever travels dimensions -> His existence is erased over and over again- making him relive, essentially the same day every day- up until Heroes of Maple- where he finally has a resolve to move on (even if sad). It would be pretty hard to write a decent character development arc (that doesn't have Si in their stack somewhere- even more so with a Ni user- which is very future-orientated) with this idea in mind.


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