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Yusuf Islam/Cat Stevens tipo de personalidade mbti

Yusuf Islam/Cat Stevens tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Yusuf Islam/Cat Stevens? Yusuf Islam/Cat Stevens é um tipo de personalidade INFJ em mbti, 4w5 - - 461 em enneagram, em Big 5, IEI em sociônicos."

Even if you only knew of Wild World, it shows so much Ni-Fe.. And I don't only know of Wild World. Watch any of his interviews, there's no way this man doesn't have strong Fe. Please don't just follow stereotypes and type every artist/songwriter you see as a Fi dom I'm begging.


Yusuf Islam (born Steven Demetre Georgiou; 21 July 1948), commonly known by his stage name Cat Stevens, is a British singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. His 1967 debut album reached the top 10 in the UK, and its title song "Matthew and Son" reached number 2 on the UK Singles Chart. Stevens' albums Tea for the Tillerman (1970) and Teaser and the Firecat (1971) were certified triple platinum in the US by the RIAA. His musical style consists of folk, pop, rock, and, in his later career, Islamic music.

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