1. Pessoas e Personagens
  2. Televisão
  3. Poirot (1989)

Hercule Poirot tipo de personalidade mbti

Hercule Poirot tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Hercule Poirot? Hercule Poirot é um tipo de personalidade INTJ em mbti, 5w6 - sp/so - 513 em enneagram, RCOEI em Big 5, LII em sociônicos."

Dear INFJ voters, I know you're voting INFJ just because he sometimes give criminals another chance. Yeah that's not Fe that's Fi. No Poirot doesn't do his job for other people. He always sees when law doesn't really cover everything so he puts himself between the case and the law so the world can go on as he wishes because of his own moral values. Poirot is clearly a Fi user, so INTJ. I don't even think he has any Fe tbh, he's often full of himself and always likes to remind everyone how damn good at his job. His partner Hastings is an ESFP, Se dom-Ni inf. They're such a good pair because they complement each other so greatly. Poirot has a very powerful Ni but as a Se inf he doesn't really spot everything. Hastings on the other hand spots a lot of visual details but doesn't give all of them enough importance, even though he knows they'll be important. In fact, Poirot often asks for details to Hastings because they both know about each other weaknesses. That's an usual Dynamic between INTJs and ESFPs because they're complementary. INFJ and ESFP wouldn't work as much and neither would INTJ and ESTP for example. Japp is an ESTJ, a Te dom. You can clearly see their rivality as Te users. Japp is not a bad investigator but he uses Si, which is a completely different way to investigate compared to Ni. In fact Poirot is always ahead of Japp because Si looks at the past with senses, Ni looks at the future with imagination and patterns.


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