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Natalia Kaminski tipo de personalidade mbti

Natalia Kaminski tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Natalia Kaminski? Natalia Kaminski é um tipo de personalidade ISTP em mbti, 9w8 - sp/so - 952 em enneagram, RCOEI em Big 5, SLI em sociônicos."

I like her sentence: "no matter what happens, never give up your life" "For such a long time, I lived my life bathed in blood. I forgot how lonely I was" It came to me in a perfect time. Cold and cool in her facial expression. But she died because Kiritsugu's ideal "Kill a few to save many". That was so sad.


Natalia was a freelance mercenary who sold information concerning Norikata and his research on vampires. She rescued a young Kiritsugu from Arimago Island and took him as her apprentice. Over time, she became a mother figure to him.

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